10 July 2011

Book Description-125: ATHEISM REMIX (Prof. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Ph.D.)

Have you heard about Richard Dawkins and his book, The God Delusion? He is one of the proponents of New Atheism in this postmodern era. What is New Atheism? Is New Atheism same with Atheism in modern era? What are the characteristics of New Atheism? Who are the proponents? As a Christian, how should we react to New Atheism?

Find the answers in the:

A Christian Confronts the New Atheists

by: Prof. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Ph.D.

Publisher: CrossWay, 2008

All about New Atheism are explained by Prof. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Ph.D. in his book Atheism Remix. In Chapter 1 and 2, Dr. Al Mohler explains the origin of New Atheism, difference between Atheism and New Atheism, the proponents of New Atheism, and eight characteristics of New Atheism assault Theism (especially Christianity). In Chapter 3, he explains that Theism is more rational than New Atheism. In order to defending that concept, he quotes two resources of Christian philosophers who reject New Atheism, i.e. Prof. Dr. Alister McGrath and Prof. Alvin Plantinga, Ph.D. In the final chapter, he explains another reaction from “Christians” toward New Atheism, that is, accomodating New Atheism. Furthermore, Dr. Mohler explains that that reaction is not true Christian/Evangelical reaction toward New Atheism, because that reaction is a compromising reaction which is not Biblical! Therefore, Dr. Mohler provides a better reaction toward New Atheism, that is, preaching the Gospel to people who are New Atheist.

“Thoughtful and insightful, this readable work illuminates for scholars, pastors, and students alike the key issues that must be addressed in order to engage the thinking of Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens, and others. I applaud Albert Mohler for his clarity and conviction in helping us understand that biblical theism is the only true alternative to the New Atheism. I gladly recommend this book!”
Prof. David S. Dockery, Ph.D.
(the 15th president of Union University; studied in University of Alabama, Birmingham and received masters from: Grace Theological Seminary, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Texas Christian University; and Doctor of Philosophy—Ph.D. in Humanities from University of Texas)

“Instead of becoming just one more voice in the rising debate between Christians and the New Atheists, Dr. Mohler has chosen to provide us with masterful coverage of the dominant writers on both sides. I know of no other introduction to this crucial debate that is as comprehensive and clear in such brief compass. Mohler tells us what’s going on, shows us how much depends on the outcome of this titanic cultural shift, and provides guidance to the resources Christians need to challenge the New Atheism root and branch.”
Rev. Prof. Donald A. Carson, Ph.D.
(Research Professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois, U.S.A.; Bachelor of Science—B.S. in chemistry from McGill University; Master of Divinity—M.Div. from Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto; and Ph.D. in New Testament from Cambridge University)

“The New Atheism needs a clear-headed, straightforward analysis. Atheism Remix does this, and does it well. Al Mohler is clear and concise in his critique, and the readability of this book makes it accessible to a wide audience. This is a fine introduction and overview of the self-proclaimed ‘Four Horsemen’ of atheism. They are examined and exposed for the vacuous arguments they offer.”
Prof. Daniel L. Akin, Ph.D.
(the president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and also as Professor of Preaching and Theology; Bachelor of Arts—B.A. in Biblical Studies from Criswell College; M.Div. from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; and Ph.D. in Humanities from University of Texas at Arlington)

Biography of the author:
Prof. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Ph.D. is the ninth president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky and also as the Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology. Mohler hosts The Albert Mohler Program, a nationwide radio show devoted to engaging contemporary culture with his Bible-based beliefs. He is a member of the board of James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and a member of the governing body of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Mohler formed Together for the Gospel with Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever and C. J. Mahaney. Mohler received Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from Samford University, Alabama; Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Systematic and Historical Theology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is married to the former Mary Kahler, with whom he has two children, Katie and Christopher. His writings have been published throughout the United States and Europe. He has contributed to several books including Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment, Here We Stand: A Call From Confessing Evangelicals and The Coming Evangelical Crisis. He served as General Editor of The Gods of the Age or the God of the Ages: Essays by Carl F. H. Henry and served from 1985 to 1993 as Associate Editor of Preaching, a journal for evangelical preachers. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology.

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