25 November 2012

Buku ke-16: IMAN KRISTEN ATAU BERPIKIR POSITIF?: Perspektif Alkitabiah (Denny Teguh Sutandio)

“Yes, you can!”, “Dahsyat!”, dll, begitulah yel-yel para motivator yang sering kali kita dengar di Indonesia. Banyak orang Kristen terpikat oleh mereka, karena apa yang mereka ajarkan begitu menarik. Berpikir positif merupakan ide terkenal sejak abad XIX hingga abad ini. Para tokohnya adalah Napoleon Hill, Anthony Robbins, Norman Vincent Peale, Robert H. Schuller, W. Clement Stone, Zig Ziglar, dll. Di dalam Kekristenan, konsep ini diimpor oleh seorang pendeta dan penulis buku laris abad ini, yaitu Joel Osteen. Ada apa dengan berpikir positif? Apa ide di balik berpikir positif? Apakah ajaran ini sesuai dengan Alkitab? Lalu, apa kata Alkitab tentang iman? Benarkah iman Kristen identik dengan berpikir positif?

Temukan jawabannya dalam
Perspektif Alkitabiah

oleh: Denny Teguh Sutandio

Penerbit: Sola Scriptura

Harga: Rp 60.000, 00/buku + ongkos kirim (tergantung lokasi)

Segera dapatkan buku ini dengan membelinya di:
Denny Teguh Sutandio (0878-5187-3719)

NB: Buku akan dikirimkan ke alamat pemesan setelah pemesan melakukan transfer biaya pesanannya paling lambat satu minggu setelah pemesan sms saya.

Apa kata mereka tentang buku ini?
“… Buku ini hadir pada waktu yang tepat, membuka kedok gerakan positive thinking dan menawarkan jalan iman yang Alkitabiah untuk menjadi orang Kristen yang bertanggung jawab di zaman ini.”
Pdt. Timotius Fu, M.Div., M.Th.
Dosen Theologi Sistematika dan Praktika di Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara (SAAT) Malang

“… Buku yang dipaparkan oleh Denny Teguh Sutandio secara sistematis dan kronologis ini telah menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan antara iman Kristen dan positive thinking sangat jelas sekali. Kaum awam dan penggiat theologi diencourage untuk membaca dan menjadikan referensi untuk melihat dasar perbedaan. Mari kita buktikan bahwa iman Kristen terbentuk atas dasar trust dan belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Ev. Halim Wiryadinata, M.Th. (UK), M.M. (Ind)
Dosen Perjanjian Baru di Sekolah Tinggi Theologi Pelita Bangsa, Jakarta

“… buku teks yang … menjawab berbagai pertanyaan serta kerancuan pengertian yang nampaknya Alkitabiah, tetapi yang justru lebih bersifat subjektif dan humanis. Buku ini perlu dibaca dan disimak baik-baik oleh para mahasiswa theologi, para Gembala Jemaat, dan kaum awam yang terlibat dalam pelayanan gerejawi, karena akan memberi input yang tepat bagi wawasan bertheologi praktis, ...”
Pdt. Henoch Soetopo, D.R.E., D.Min.
Ketua Sekolah Tinggi Theologi Tabernakel, Lawang

“… Buku ini sangat menarik dan bermutu membawa kita supaya menempatkan firman Tuhan sebagai acuan “keberhasilan” dalam pandangan Allah, bukan Berpikir Positif.”
Yosafat Bangun, M.Th.
Dosen Luar Biasa bidang Agama Kristen dan Etika Kristen di Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta

Book Description 195: INTRODUCTION TO BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS (Prof. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Ph.D. and Prof. Moises Silva, Ph.D.)

As Christians, we believe that the Bible is the sole truth in our faith and daily life. The more we know our Bible as the Word of God, the more we know our God and then, serve Him. Then, how can we interpret Bible properly?

Find the answer in

The Search for Meaning

Prof. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Ph.D. and

Prof. Moises Silva, Ph.D.

Publisher: Zondervan, Grand Rapids, U.S.A., 2007

In this book, Dr. Kaiser and Dr. Silva explains all about Biblical hermeneutics in four parts. In the first part, they explain the significance of hermeneutics, meaning, language, and Biblical theology. In the next part, they explain how to understand each genre in the Bible: narrative, poetry and wisdom, gospels, epistles, and prophecy. Two parts lead us into the third part that is the relationship between the meaning of the text and the application in our daily life. In this part, Dr. Kaiser explains the the use of the Bible in: devotional, cultural, and theological things. In the last part, they explain about history of biblical interpretation since Old Testament era until modern era and then challenges for Christians to interpret the Bible properly with grammatico-historical exegesis which emphasis on grammar of texts and historical context.

Biography of the author:
Prof. Walter Christian Kaiser, Jr., A.B., B.D., M.A., Ph.D. who is President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Michigan, U.S.A. was born into a German Baptist (now North American Baptist) home on April 11, 1933, in Folcroft, Pennsylvania. He was the oldest of the six children of Walter Christian Kaiser Sr., a farmer and a godly Christian leader in the local church, and Estelle Jaworsky Kaiser. Kaiser received his Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) from Wheaton College and Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) from Wheaton Graduate School. He has earned both a Master of Arts (M.A.) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mediterranean studies from Brandeis University. Prior to serving at Gordon-Conwell, Dr. Kaiser taught Bible and archaeology at Wheaton College and he was academic dean and Professor of Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School where he taught for more than twenty years. He wrote several books, such as:
*  Toward an Old Testament Theology (1978)
*  Toward an Exegetical Theology (1981)
* A Biblical Approach to Personal Suffering (1982)
*  Toward Old Testament Ethics (1983)
*  Malachi: God's Unchanging Love (1984)
* The Uses of the Old Testament in the New (1985)
* Toward a Rediscovery of the Old Testament (1987)
* Hard Sayings of the Old Testament (1988)
* Back toward the Future: Hints for Interpreting Biblical Prophecy(1989)
*  Commentary on "Exodus" in The Expositor's Bible Commentary (1990)
* More Hard Sayings of the Old Testament (1992)
* Communicator's Commentary: Micah, Malachi (1992)
* Commentary on "Leviticus" in The New Interpreter's Bible (1994)
* Messiah in the Old Testament (1995)
* A History of Israel: From the Bronze Age Through the Jewish Wars (1998)
* The Christian and the Old Testament (1998)
* The Old Testament Documents: Are They Reliable & Relevant? (2001)
* Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament (2003)

Prof. Moisés Silva, B.A., B.D., Th.M., Ph.D. who was born in Havana, Cuba on September 4, 1945 is the revising editor of the Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible and the author of six books, including Biblical Words and Their Meaning (1983, 2nd ed. 1994), a commentary on Phillipians, Invitation to the Septuagint (with Karen Jobes); God, Language, and Scripture; Has the Church Misread the Bible?, and Interpreting Galatians. He has taught biblical studies at Westmont College (1972–1981), Westminster Theological Seminary (1981–1996), and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (1996–2000), where he was the Mary French Rockefeller Distinguished Professor of New Testament until his retirement. A past president of the Evangelical Theological Society (1997), Silva for many years had been an ordained minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He served as a translator of the New American Standard Bible, the New Living Translation (Ephesians - Philemon), the English Standard Version, and the Nueva Versión Internacional, and as a New Testament consultant for Eugene Peterson's The Message. Silva receives his Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from Bob Jones University in 1966; Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) and Master of Theology (Th.M.) from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1969 and 1971; and Ph.D. from the University of Manchester in 1972. At Manchester he studied under F. F. Bruce and James Barr.