So, how can we life in Christ-centered life? Find the answer in:
Keeping The Gospel The Main Thing
by: Rev. Charles Joseph (C. J.) Mahaney
Publisher: Multnomah Books, 2002
In his book, The Cross Centered Life, Rev. C. J. Mahaney leads us to focus on life which focus on the Cross of Christ with several practical ways to reject secular thought in our mind, such as how to break the rules of legalism, unload condemnation, and base your faith in Christ’s finished work at the Cross (rather than what we feel). Finally, he provides us several practical ways to center every day around the Cross. Let this simple teaching of the Cross at this book affect and remind us to focus on what Christ has done for us in the Cross of Calvary, so that we can experience the grace of God in Christ in our daily life.
“Again and again, by his life and writing, C.J. Mahaney has summoned me to the centrality of the cross. I love Christ more because of this precious ministry.”
Rev. John Stephen Piper, D.Theol.
(Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Betlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. and author of The Dangerous Duty of Delight; B.A. from Wheaton College, U.S.A.; Bachelor of Divinity—B.D. from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.; and Doctor of Theologie—D.Theol. from University of Munich, Munich, West Germany)
“We never get beyond the message of the cross. C. J. Mahaney applies this truth in a powerful but winsome way. It is a book for every Christian, and I’m delighted to recommend it.”
Dr. Jerry Bridges
(has been on the staff of The Navigators since 1955 and currently serves as a resource person to the Navigators University Students Ministry in the United States and author of The Pursuit of Holiness and many other books)
“Every Timothy needs a Paul. C.J. Mahaney is mine...and this book contains his life-message. Read it yourself, and let God realign your life.”
Rev. Joshua Eugene Harris
(Senior Pastor of Covenant Life Church, U.S.A. and best-selling author)
“My friend C.J. Mahaney has a passion for Jesus and His people. He lives the cross centered life and is therefore qualified to talk about it. Let C. J. walk you through the transforming power of the gospel. You’ll be refreshed… and deeply thankful for God’s grace.”
Rev. Dr. Randy Alcorn
(the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries—EPM, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching biblical truth and drawing attention to the needy and how to help them and author of Lord Foulgrin’s Letters and The Treasure Principle)
“This biblical, practical book written by a wise and godly man helped me, as it will help others, in overcoming harmful patterns of thinking about our daily lives as Christians and in focusing on the finished work of Christ on the cross.”
Prof. Wayne Grudem, Ph.D.
(Research Professor of Bible and Theology at Phoenix Seminary, U.S.A.; Bachelor of Arts—B.A. from Harvard University; Master of Divinity—M.Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary; and the Doctor of Philosophy—Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge, U.K.)
Biography of the author:
Rev. Charles Joseph (C. J.) Mahaney is Founder and President of Sovereign Grace Ministries. He serves on the Council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals and on the board of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. He also serves on the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF). C. J.’s books include Humility: True Greatness; Living the Cross-Centered Life; and Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God: What Every Christian Husband Needs to Know. He also contributed to Dear Timothy: Letters on Pastoral Ministry, and to two additional volumes in the Foundations for the Family Series (Crossway).
He has also edited or coauthored four books in the Pursuit of Godliness book series, published by Sovereign Grace Ministries: Why Small Groups?, This Great Salvation, How Can I Change?, and Disciplines for Life. He is also coauthor of Preaching the Cross.
C. J. and his wife, Carolyn, have three married daughters and one son. They make their home in Gaithersburg, Maryland.