12 May 2013


In Matthew 28:19, Lord Jesus taught, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (ESV) To fulfill His command, as Christians, we should preach the Gospel of Christ to others. The problem is most Christians are afraid and fear to share our faith. So, how can we share our faith to others without fear?

Find the answer in the:
How to Share Your Faith With Confidence

by: Dr. Bill Bright

Foreword: Dr. Billy Graham

Publisher: Campus Crusade for Christ, Singapore, 1993

In the first chapter in this book, President of Campus Crusade for Christ International, Dr. Bill Bright tells us about his previous experience for receiving Christ in the first time and the next step of his life in sharing the Gospel of Christ to others. Based on his previous experience of sharing the Gospel to his family and friends, Dr. Bright explains why Christians should witness as a way of life and three barriers in witnessing the Gospel. Before explaining steps how to be a successful witness, Dr. Bright explains that success and failure in witnessing the Gospel is relating what we have done in witnessing to the will of God as a result. This concept affects us to witness the Gospel without fear. Then, how do we can witness the Gospel without fear? First, pray. Second, introduce Jesus Christ into the conversation to others by using simple language or giving him some booklets. Third, listen and answer the questions from others with love. After witnessing the Gospel to others, we should responsible what we have done by discipling new Christians by giving them some booklets or introducing them to the church. In the appendixes, Dr. Bright gives some explanation about a letter that can be used to witness the Gospel, articles about how to be filled with and walk in the Spirit, and resources for witnessing, follow-up, and discipleship produced by Campus Crusade for Christ. I recommend this simple book as a guide to witness the Gospel with confidence by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

“This is a book I with Bill Bright had written years ago, for if every church and every Christian individual were to put these proven methods to work on a daily basis, it could change the entire approach to world evangelization.”
Dr. William F. (Billy) Graham
(President of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association)

“I can think of no one better equipped and experienced—and burdened—to address this vital theme than my friend, Dr. Bill Bright. This is the most practical book on personal evangelism I have seen.”
Ted Engstrom
(President of World Vision)

“So many are paralyzed by fear when it comes to confidently sharing their faith in Christ. Bill Bright cracks those barriers of fear with helpful advice and guidelines. WITNESSING WITHOUT FEAR is a valuable training tool for anyone who wants to effectively share Christ with others.”
Joni Eareckson Tada
(Joni and Friends)

“The witnessing methods explained in this book are what a man used to intruduce me to Christ in Washington, D. C. Since then, I have succesfully applied these principles in my own witnessing opportunities. I can’t speak highly enough of Bill Bright and the training he has provided the Christian world through this book.”
Senator Bill Armstrong
(U. S. Senate, Washington, D.C.)

“Without realizing it, Christians often make their gospel presentation so cumbersome and boring that the message falls by the wayside. I heartily recommend WITNESSING WITHOUT FEAR as an effective back-to-the-basics approach that yields positive results.”
Pat Robertson
(Chairman of TBN)

“In addition to a very credible approach to sharing Christ, WITNESSING WITHOUT FEAR contains one of the most practical chapters on praying for non-Christian friends and loved ones that I have ever seen. If you’re praying for an unbelieving friend, neighbor or loved one, this book is for you.”
Rev. Charles Frazier Stanley, Th.D.
(Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia and the founder and president of In Touch Ministries; Master of Theology—Th.M. and Doctor of Theology—Th.D. from Luther Rice Seminary)

“In his gentle yet compelling presentation of Christ’s command to tell His good news, Bill Bright effectively puts in our grasp the tools to be Christ’s witnesses.”
Dr. Paul Franklin Crouch
(President of TBN; graduated from the Central Bible Institute and Seminary in Springfield, Missouri; received three honorary doctorates: Doctor of Litterarum—D.Litt from the California Graduate School of Theology, Glendale, California; Doctor of Divinity—D.D. from the American Christian Theological Seminary, Anaheim, California; and Doctor of Laws—LL.D. from Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma)

“Is anyone as creative in leading people to Jesus as Bill Bright? His chapter on “Conquering the Fear of Failure’ is worth the price of the book. Every Christian fearful or nervous about witnessing must read this book!”
Ann Kiemel Anderson
(Author and Speaker)

“Every Christian knows that he should witness for Christ; most are paralyzed by fear. WITNESSING WITHOUT FEAR will prove a tremendous boon to all such Christians and will no doubt help to make vocal the silent majority.”
Rev. D. James Kennedy, D.D., D.Sac.Lit., Ph.D., Litt.D., D.Sac.Theol., D.Humane Let.
(Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Bachelor of Arts—B.A. from the University of Tampa; Master of Divinity—M.Div. from Columbia Theological Seminary (cum laude); Th.M. from Chicago Graduate School of Theology (summa cum laude); and Doctor of Philosophy—Ph.D. from New York University)

Biography of Dr. Bill Bright:
William R. “Bill” Bright, LL.D. (HC), D.D. (HC), Litt.D. (HC) (October 19, 1921 – July 19, 2003) is founder and chairman of Board of Campus Crusade for Christ. In 1944, while attending the First Presbyterian Church, Hollywood, Bright became an Evangelical Christian. He immediately began intensive Biblical studies which led him to graduate studies at Princeton and Fuller Theological Seminaries (although he never completed a degree at either). It was while he was a student at Fuller that he felt what he regarded as the call of God to help fulfill Christ's Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) by sharing his faith, beginning with students at UCLA. This gave birth to the Campus Crusade for Christ movement. From a small beginning in 1951, Campus Crusade for Christ now has ministry presence in 196 countries and utilizes more than 25.000 full-time and 500.000 trained voluenteer staff. Dr. Bright has authored more than 100 books, booklets, videos, and audiotapes, as well as thousands of articles and pamphlets. He holds five honorary doctorates: Doctor of Laws (LL.D.) from the Jeonbuk National University of Korea; Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) from John Brown University; Doctor of Letters (Litt.D.) from Houghton Seminary; D.D. from the Los Angeles Bible College and Seminary; LL.D. from Pepperdine University. Also, he has received numerous other awards, including the 1996 Templeton Prize for Progressin Religion and the 2001 ECPA Gold Medallion Lifetime Achievement. Dr. Bright and his wife, Vonette reside in Florida and they have two sons: Zachary and Brad.