29 September 2013
Resensi Buku-237: BAGAIMANA MENGANALISA KITAB MAZMUR (Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D.)
Di salah satu liturgi di beberapa gereja Protestan, terdapat pembacaan kitab Mazmur secara bertanggapan. Sering kali kita bingung dengan isi kitab Mazmur, mengapa isinya berbeda dengan kitab-kitab lain yang lebih jelas secara bahasa dan pengertian? Bagaimana kita mengerti kitab Mazmur?
Temukan jawabannya dalam:
oleh: Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D.
Penerbit: Literatur SAAT, Malang, 2012 (cetakan ke-6)
Penerjemah: Pdt. Cornelius Kuswanto, Th.D.
Di bab 1 di dalam bukunya, Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D. menguraikan pendahuluan kitab Mazmur mulai dari tujuh genre kitab ini, asal-usul, perkembangan, pemakaiannya, posisi Mazmur sebagai pusat dari Perjanjian Lama, hingga membaca kitab ini dari perspektif orang Kristen dan peran kitab ini sebagai cermin dari jiwa yang menguasai seluruh aspek kehidupan Kristen kita (hati, pikiran, dan kehendak). Setelah memahami pendahuluan kitab Mazmur, Dr. Longman menjelaskan seni yang terdapat dalam kitab ini, meliputi penjelasan tentang puisi Perjanjian Lama, berbagai jenis paralelisme dalam puisi tersebut, dan imageri dalam kitab Mazmur. Dan di bab terakhir, Dr. Longman memberikan 3 contoh pasal dalam kitab Mazmur sebagai penerapan menganalisa Mazmur yang telah dibahas pada dua bab sebelumnya. Biarlah buku yang diuraikan dengan bahasa yang sederhana ini dapat menolong kita mengerti dan menganalisa kitab Mazmur.
Profil Dr. Tremper Longman:
Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D. adalah Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies di Westmont College, U.S.A. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai salah satu penerjemah utama bagi Alkitab terjemahan New Living Translation (NLT) dan konsultan bagi terjemahan-terjemahan Alkitab popular lainnya: the Message, the New Century Version (NCV), dan the Holman Standard Bible. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) dalam bidang Agama di Ohio Wesleyan University; Master of Divinity (M.Div.) di Westminster Theological Seminary, U.S.A.; dan Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) dalam bidang Studi Timur Dekat kuno di Yale University. Beliau menikah dengan Alice dan dikaruniai 3 anak laki-laki. Selain buku menganalisa kitab Mazmur ini, Dr. Longman juga menulis buku-buku analisa PL, yaitu: How to Read Proverbs dan How to Read Genesis. Beliau juga menulis beberapa buku tafsiran Alkitab PL, seperti: Song of Songs (Eerdmans), Ecclesiastes (Eerdmans), Daniel (Zondervan), dan Nahum (Baker). Selain itu, beliau juga menulis buku tentang sejarah: A Biblical History of Israel (ditulis bersama dengan Iain Provan and Phil Long; Westminster John Knox, 2003). Beliau juga menulis buku-buku lain, seperti: Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation (Zondervan, 1987); Complete Literary Guide to the Bible (kontributor dan editor bersama dengan Leland Ryken; Zondervan, 1993); dll.
22 September 2013
Resensi Buku-237: BAGAIMANA MENGANALISA KITAB MAZMUR? (Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D.)
Di salah satu liturgi di beberapa gereja Protestan, terdapat pembacaan kitab Mazmur secara bertanggapan. Sering kali kita bingung dengan isi kitab Mazmur, mengapa isinya berbeda dengan kitab-kitab lain yang lebih jelas secara bahasa dan pengertian? Bagaimana kita mengerti kitab Mazmur?
Temukan jawabannya dalam:
oleh: Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D.
Penerbit: Literatur SAAT, Malang, 2012 (cetakan ke-6)
Penerjemah: Pdt. Cornelius Kuswanto, Th.D.
Di bab 1 di dalam bukunya, Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D. menguraikan pendahuluan kitab Mazmur mulai dari tujuh genre kitab ini, asal-usul, perkembangan, pemakaiannya, posisi Mazmur sebagai pusat dari Perjanjian Lama, hingga membaca kitab ini dari perspektif orang Kristen dan peran kitab ini sebagai cermin dari jiwa yang menguasai seluruh aspek kehidupan Kristen kita (hati, pikiran, dan kehendak). Setelah memahami pendahuluan kitab Mazmur, Dr. Longman menjelaskan seni yang terdapat dalam kitab ini, meliputi penjelasan tentang puisi Perjanjian Lama, berbagai jenis paralelisme dalam puisi tersebut, dan imageri dalam kitab Mazmur. Dan di bab terakhir, Dr. Longman memberikan 3 contoh pasal dalam kitab Mazmur sebagai penerapan menganalisa Mazmur yang telah dibahas pada dua bab sebelumnya. Biarlah buku yang diuraikan dengan bahasa yang sederhana ini dapat menolong kita mengerti dan menganalisa kitab Mazmur.
Profil Dr. Tremper Longman:
Prof. Tremper Longman III, Ph.D. adalah Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies di Westmont College, U.S.A. Beliau juga menjabat sebagai salah satu penerjemah utama bagi Alkitab terjemahan New Living Translation (NLT) dan konsultan bagi terjemahan-terjemahan Alkitab popular lainnya: the Message, the New Century Version (NCV), dan the Holman Standard Bible. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) dalam bidang Agama di Ohio Wesleyan University; Master of Divinity (M.Div.) di Westminster Theological Seminary, U.S.A.; dan Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) dalam bidang Studi Timur Dekat kuno di Yale University. Beliau menikah dengan Alice dan dikaruniai 3 anak laki-laki. Selain buku menganalisa kitab Mazmur ini, Dr. Longman juga menulis buku-buku analisa PL, yaitu: How to Read Proverbs dan How to Read Genesis. Beliau juga menulis beberapa buku tafsiran Alkitab PL, seperti: Song of Songs (Eerdmans), Ecclesiastes (Eerdmans), Daniel (Zondervan), dan Nahum (Baker). Selain itu, beliau juga menulis buku tentang sejarah: A Biblical History of Israel (ditulis bersama dengan Iain Provan and Phil Long; Westminster John Knox, 2003). Beliau juga menulis buku-buku lain, seperti: Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation (Zondervan, 1987); Complete Literary Guide to the Bible (kontributor dan editor bersama dengan Leland Ryken; Zondervan, 1993); dll.
15 September 2013
Resensi Buku-236: LIVING WITH INTEGRITY (Rev. Ronald J. Greer, Th.M.)
Di dunia yang penuh dengan kemunafikan, orang Kristen perlu menunjukkan keunikan yaitu memegang teguh integritas. Apa itu integritas? Bagaimana menjalani hidup yang penuh integritas?
Temukan jawabannya dalam:
Memercayai, Mengatakan, dan Melakukan yang Benar Sesuai Panggilan Allah
oleh: Rev. Ronald J. Greer, Th.M.
Penerbit: Yayasan ANDI, Yogyakarta, 2012
Penerjemah: Febriana Ayu P.
Rev. Ronald J. Greer, Th.M. memaparkan bahwa orang Kristen perlu memiliki integritas dalam hidupnya. Beliau membagi dua macam integritas, yaitu integritas pribadi yang meliputi kesesuaian antara apa yang dipikirkan, dikatakan, dan dilakukan dan integritas moral yang meliputi memegang teguh dan menjalankan prinsip-prinsip moral objektif. Penjelasan mengenai kedua macam integritas ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian dalam bukunya: Bagian 1 membahas integritas pribadi. Di bagian ini, Rev. Ronald Greer membahas bahwa makna integritas pribadi, halangan-halangan yang muncul ketika kita ingin menjalankan integritas pribadi, dan tahap awal di dalam membangun integritas pribadi yaitu mengenal diri sendiri. Di bagian 2, Rev. Ronald Greer membahas integritas moral, yang meliputi: belas kasih, benar, berkarakter, berani, membangun hubungan baik, setia, dan hormat. Dan di bab terakhir di bagian ini, beliau mengingatkan kita pentingnya mengingat pentingnya hidup berintegritas melalui pengalaman pribadinya. Ke-12 bab dalam buku ini dijelaskan dengan sederhana melalui pemaparan yang disertai dengan pengalaman baik pengalaman pribadi Rev. Ronald Greer maupun pengalaman orang lain. Biarlah buku ini dapat menyadarkan kita pentingnya hidup berintegritas sebagai orang Kristen.
“Nasihat Ron Greer yang bijaksana telah membantu ribuan orang menemukan kesehatan dan kepenuhan dalam hidup mereka. Banyak di antara kita terlalu familiar dengan kuasa kemunafikan yang merusak. Namun, Ron dengan terampil menawarkan suatu kerangka untuk menjalani kehidupan yang baik – kehidupan pribadi dan integritas moral. Saya dengan sepenuh hati merekomendasikan buku ini kepada siapa pun yang ingin mengalami kasih karunia Allah di tengah kerumitan hidup.”
Rev. Bill Britt, D.Min.
Pelayan Senior di Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, U.S.A. yang menyelesaikan studi Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) di Stetson University di DeLand, Florida; Master of Divinity (M.Div.) di Candler School of Theology of Emory University; dan Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) di United Theological Seminary di Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.
“Buku Living with Integrity karya Ron Greer merupakan pemeriksaan yang dalam dan membangkitkan semangat dari nilai inti – integritas – bahwa seruan akan perhatian bagi dunia yang rentan ini menghidupi ketidakpastian dan konflik. Komitmen pribadi Greer bagi etika Kristen memancar melalui kata-katanya, bukan sebagai khotbah yang diulang-ulang di hadapan Anda, melainkan sebagai alasan yang telah diukur dengan baik dan bijaksana. Bagi saya, buku ini merupakan pengingat akan potensi umat manusia, daripada suatu hukuman atas kegagalan yang kita semua ketahui dengan baik.”
Terry Kay
Penulis To Dance with the White Dog dan The Book of Marie)
“Kalimat penutup dalam buku ini mengatakan segalanya, ‘Aku memandang ke atas,’ tulis Greer, ‘dan aku teringat untuk menjadi seseorang yang direncanakan ketika diciptakan.’ Kalimat sebelumnya bijaksana dan merupakan tuntunan pastoral menuju seni menyatakan hidup dengan belajar untuk melakukannya—memandang ke atas dan menjadi seseorang yang direncanakan ketika diciptakan.”
Phyllis Tickle, L.H.D. (HC)
Penulis buku The Great Emergence dan editor pendiri dari the Religion Department of PUBLISHERS WEEKLY yang dianugerahi gelar Doctor of Humane Letters (L.H.D.) dari the Berkeley School of Divinity di Yale University dan dari North Park University.
“Ron Greer membuat saya ingin mengikutinya. Istri saya, Carolyn, dan saya bercanda bahwa kita adalah ‘Anggota kelompok Greer’. Mengapa? Bacalah Living with Integrity, dan Anda akan dengan jelas melihat bahwa setiap pemikiran Ron menjadi batu ujian untuk keaslian dan produknya – kedamaian pikiran.”
Bill Curry
Ketua pelatih sepak bola dari Georgia State University dan penulis buku Ten Men You Meet in the Huddle: Lessons from a Football Life
“Integritas adalah sifat yang dilupakan. Banyak dari kita hidup tanpa hubungan, kedalaman, dan pendirian moral yang diberikan oleh integritas. Hidup kita yang menyedihkan dan tidak teratur adalah hasilnya. Dari pengalamannya yang luas dalam konseling pastoral, Ron Greer memberi kita pandangan yang mendukung, setia, dan sangat membantu hidup kita melalui lensa integritas.”
Rev. Dr. William H. Willimon, S.T.D.
Uskup di The United Methodist Church yang menyelesaikan studi B.A. di Wofford College; M.Div. di Yale Divinity School; Doctor of Sacred Theology—S.T.D. di Emory University; dan menerima gelar kehormatan Doctor of Divinity—D.D. dari: Westminster College, Campbell University, Lafeyette College, Colgate University, Centre College, LaGrange College, Albright College, Birmingham-Southern College, Mennonite Theological Seminary dan gelar kehormatan lainnya, seperti: Doctor of Humane Letters (D.Hum.Lit.) dari Wofford College dan Methodist College dan gelar Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) dari Lehigh University
Profil Rev. Ronald J. Greer:
Rev. Ronald J. Greer, Th.M. adalah Konselor dan Direktur Pastoral di Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Atlanta. Beliau adalah anggota dari: American Association of Pastoral Counselors dan American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Beliau menulis buku Markings on the Windowsill: A Book About Grief That’s Really About Hope (Abingdon Press).
08 September 2013
Book Description-235: INTERPRETING THE NEW TESTAMENT TEXT (edited by Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D. & Buist M. Fanning, D.Phil.)
As Christians, we believe that the Holy Bible is the Word of God. The Bible consists of the Old Testament and New Testament. How do we understand and interpret the New Testament?
Get the answer in:
Introduction to Art and Science of Exegesis
edited by:
Prof. Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D. and Prof. Buist M. Fanning, Ph.D.
Penerbit: Crossway Books, Illinois, 2006
This book consists two parts: Part one explains about exegetical methods and procedures and part two expalins about exegetical examples. In part one, in first chapter, Dr. Darrell L. Bock explains about what exegesis is and the relationship between exegetical theology and other discipline (biblical theology, systematic theology, practical theology, etc). Doing exegetical theology in the New Testament means knowing the original source of the New Testament, so that Dr. Daniel B. Wallace explains the methods to understand the original meaning of the New Testament texts by doing textual criticism. Then, other authors explains the importance of grammatical analysis, lexical analysis, background, the genres (narrative, epistolary, and apocalyptic). After that, Dr. Darrell L. Bock explains about the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. Two final chapters are about the application of exegetical theology to biblical theology and relevance in our daily life (suchas: ethics and preaching). In part two, there are 13 exegetical examples in the New Testament texts to guide us applying the methods explained in part one.
“Interpreting the New Testament Text is a contemporary application of Paul's charge to Timothy to study to present himself to God, approved as one who correctly handles the word of truth. Highly recommended!”
Prof. Andreas J. Kostenberger
Senior Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology and Director of Ph.D. Studies at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Editor of the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
“This ‘how-to’ guide provides significant step-by-step help for first-year seminarians. It should prove very helpful.”
Prof. Klyne Snodgrass, Ph.D.
Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies at North Park Theological Seminary who holds B.A. from Columbia Bible College; Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Ph.D. from University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
“Not only an excellent textbook but also a useful refresher for pastors and teachers engaged in the weekly study of the text for ministry.”
Prof. Clinton E. Arnold, Ph.D.
Professor and Chairman, Department of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University who holds B.A. from Biola University; M.Div. from Talbot Theological Seminary; and Ph.D. in New Testament exegesis from University of Aberdeen.
“Covers the exegetical landscape admirably.”
Prof. B. Paul Wolfe, Ph.D.
Head of School at the Cambridge School of Dallas, U.S.A. who holds B.C.A. from Dallas Baptist College; M.A. from Dallas Baptist University; and Ph.D. from University of Aberdeen, U.K. He later studied at Universities of Cambridge and Tübingen.
“A comprehensive, thorough, and excellent guide to exegetical method that I am happy to recommend with enthusiasm!"
Prof. Donald A. Hagner, Ph.D.
George Eldon Ladd Professor Emeritus of New Testament and Senior Professor of New Testament at Fuller Theological Seminary who holds B.A. from Northwestern University; Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.) and Master of Theology (Th.M.) from Fuller Theological Seminary; and Ph.D. from University of Manchester.
“Fanning and Bock have compiled an all-star cast of lucid writers on exegetical method with like-minded writers illustrating good interpretations of texts and themes. It’s really two books for the price of one, with each made better by the other!”
Prof. Craig L. Blomberg, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Denver Seminary who holds B.A. Summa Cum Laude from Augustana College; M.A. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, U.S.A.; and Ph.D. from University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
“This excellent collection of essays provides a solid foundation for all whose goal is to hear and obey God's Word.”
Prof. Mark L. Strauss, Ph.D.
Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary, San Diego, California who holds Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychology from Westmont College; Master of Divinity (M.Div.) and Master of Theology (Th.M.) in New Testament from Talbot School of Theology; and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in New Testament from University of Aberdeen, U.K.
“Accurately hearing and understanding God’s voice in the Greek text of the New Testament—this is basic to every pastor and Bible teacher’s mandate from the Holy Spirit. Harold Hoehner has spent a lifetime teaching us how to do this, and here his best students and eminent evangelical scholars honor his effort by placing in your hands a tool that takes you into the best New Testament classrooms for the simple price of one volume.”
Rev. David B. Wyrtzen, Ph.D.
Pastor—Teacher at Midlothian Bible Church who hols B.A. in Chemistry from Houghton College - New York; Th.M. and Ph.D. in Old Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.
Biography of the authors:
Prof. Daniel Baird Wallace, B.A., Th.M., Ph.D. is professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary where he has been tenured since 1995. He is also the founder and Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. Dr. Wallace is also the senior New Testament editor of the NET Bible and coeditor of the NET-Nestle Greek-English diglot. He has been a consultant on four different Bible translations. He graduated from Biola University in 1975 with Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and later attended Dallas Theological Seminary. He graduated in 1979 with a Master of Theology (Th.M.) in New Testament Studies. He taught at Dallas Seminary from 1979–81 and afterward at Grace Theological Seminary from 1981-83. In 1995, he earned his Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Dallas Theological Seminary where he continues to teach full time. His postdoctoral work includes work on Greek grammar at Tyndale House in Cambridge, textual criticism studies at the Institut für neutestamentliche Textforschung in Münster, and the Universität Tübingen, Germany. Dr. Wallace and his wife, Pati, have four adult sons, three daughters-in-law, one granddaughter, a Beagle, a Labrador Retriever, and a cat.
Prof. Buist M. Fanning III, B.A., Th.M., D.Phil. is a department chair and professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has taught New Testament for more than thirty years and is the author of The Warning Passages of Hebrews: Four Perspectives. He holds Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from College of Charleston; Master of Theology (Th.M.) from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.; and Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.) from Oxford University, U.K.
Prof. J. William Johnston, B.A., Th.M., Ph.D. is Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, Houston, U.S.A. He hold B.A. from University of Texas; Th.M. and Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.
Prof. Jay E. Smith, B.S., Th.M., Ph.D. is Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. He holds Bachelor of Science (B.S.) from Bowling Green State University; Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary; and Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, U.S.A.
Prof. David K. Lowery, B.A., Th.M., Ph.D. is Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. Dr. Lowery is a frequent author in leading journals and magazines and has contributed to the New American Standard Bible and the NET Bible. He holds B.A. from The King’s College; Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.; and Ph.D. from University of Aberdeen. He did postdoctoral study at Tübingen University.
Prof. Joseph D. Fantin, B.A., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D., Ph.D. is Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. He holds B.A. from Eastern Michigan University; Master of Arts (M.A.) from Michigan State University; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary and University of Sheffield.
Rev. Prof. Michael H. Burer, B.Mus., Th.M., Ph.D. is Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. For the past several years he has worked with Bible.org as an editor and assistant project director for the NET Bible. He was also instrumental in the completion of the New English Translation-Novum Testamentum Graece diglot, published jointly by Bible.org and the Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft of Stuttgart, Germany. He holds Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.) from University of Georgia; Th.M. and Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.
Prof. John D. Grassmick, B.A., Th.M., Ph.D. is a Vice President for Academic Affairs, Academic Dean, and Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. He holds Diploma from Prairie Bible Institute; B.A. from Seattle Pacific College; Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary; and Ph.D. from University of Glasgow.
Rev. Prof. W. Hall Harris III, B.A., Th.M., Ph.D. is Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. Dr. Harris serves as project director and managing editor of the NET Bible, the first Bible to be published electronically on the internet (www.netbible.org). He holds B.A. from North Carolina State University; Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary; and Ph.D. from University of Sheffield. He recently has published a commentary on the letters of John, 1, 2, 3 John: Comfort and Counsel for a Church in Crisis.
Prof. Timothy J. Ralston, B.S., Th.M., Ph.D. is Professor of Pastoral Ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. Dr. Ralston is an active member in the North American Academy of Liturgy and the Evangelical Homiletics Society. He holds B.S. from University of Waterloo; Th.M. and Ph.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.
Prof. Ian Howard Marshall, Ph.D., D.D. is Emeritus Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Honorary
Research Professor at University of Aberdeen, U.K. He is also a former Chair of the Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research; President of the British New Testament Society and Chair of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians. He holds B.A. from Cambridge University; M.A., Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.), and Ph.D. from University of Aberdeen; and Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) from Asbury. He writes and edited several books:
Kept by the Power of God, Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1995 (originally Epworth, 1969; Bethany, 1975).
Luke: Historian and Theologian, Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1970, 1989.
New Testament Interpretation (editor), Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1977, 1979.
The Gospel of Luke (NIGTC), Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1978.
I believe in the historical Jesus, London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1977.
The Epistles of John (NICNT), Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1978.
Acts (TNTC), Leicester: IVP, 1980.
Last Supper and Lord's Supper, Exeter: Paternoster Press, 1980.
1 and 2 Thessalonians (NCB), Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983.
Jesus the Saviour: Studies in New Testament Theology, London: SPCK/Downers Grove: IVP, 1990.
1 Peter (IVP Commentary Series), Leicester: IVP, 1991.
The Acts of the Apostles (Sheffield NT Guides), Sheffield Academic Press, 1992.
The Epistle to the Philippians (Epworth Commentaries), London: Epworth Press, 1992.
(with K. P. Donfried) The Theology of the Shorter Pauline Letters, Cambridge University Press, 1993.
I. H. Marshall and D. Peterson (ed.): Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of the Book of Acts (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998).
(in collaboration with Philip H. Towner) A Critical and Exegetical Comentary on The Pastoral Epistles (International Critical Commentary), Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1999.
Concordance to the Greek New Testament (sixth fully revised edition of the work of Moulton and Geden), London: T&T Clark, 2002.
(with S.Travis and I. Paul) Exploring the New Testament, Vol. 2. London: SPCK, 2002.
Beyond the Bible: Moving from Scripture to Theology (with essays by Kevin J. Vanhoozer and Stanley E. Porter) Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004.
New Testament Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel Downers Grove/Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 2004.
Rev. Narry F. Santos is a Pastor at Greenhills Christian Fellowship Church, Toronto.
Prof. Joel F. Williams, B.A., Th.M., Ph.D. is Professor of Bible at Cedarville University, U.S.A. He holds B.A. in Bible from Moody Bible Institute; Th.M. in New Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.; and Ph.D. in New Testament from Marquette University.
Prof. Edwin Maseo Yamauchi, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus of History at Miami University, where he taught from 1969 until 2005. He has been a member and officer of the Institute for Biblical Research. He is a founding member of the Oxford Bible Fellowship church in Oxford, Ohio. He was a supporter of the Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship throughout his career, and particularly at the campus of Miami University. He holds B.A. in Biblical Languages from Shelton College, Ringwood, New Jersey; M.A. in Mediterranean studies from Brandeis University; and Ph.D. in Mandaean Gnostic texts from Brandeis University.
Prof. Don N. Howell, Jr., B.I.E., Th.M., Th.D. is Associate Professor of New Testament Studies at Japan Bible Seminary, Tokyo, Japan. He holds B.I.E. from Georgia Institute of Technology; Th.M. and Doctor of Theology (Th.D.) from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.
Prof. David Catchpole is scholar in residence at Sarum College. He leads the Theology Quest and Questions course and is a New Testament specialist. He is also Emeritus Professor of Theology at the University of Exeter and the author of three books: The Trial of Jesus (1971), The Quest for Q (1993), Resurrection People (2000), Jesus People (2006)
Prof. Scott S. Cunningham (Accrediting Council for Theological Education in Africa and Jos ECWA Theological Seminary, Nigeria).
Prof. Helge Stadelmann, S.T.M., D.Theol. is Rektor of the German Theological Seminary, Giessen (Germany) and Guest-Professor of Practical Theology at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Heverlee/Leuven (Belgium). He holds Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.) from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. and Doctor of Theologie (Dr. Theol.) from Basel.
Rev. Timothy Savage, B.S., Th.M., Ph.D. is Senior Pastor at Camelback Bible Church, U.S.A. He holds B.S. in Finance from San Diego State University; Th.M. in New Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.; and Ph.D. in Classical Archaeology and Pauline Epistles from the University of Cambridge. Tim and Lesli were married in June of 1980. Lesli has home educated their two sons – Matthew, who has recently graduated from Stanford University, where he earned All-American honors as a golfer and helped his team win the 2007 Division I National Championship and Jonathan, who is an avid guitarist, enjoys all sports and is a flourishing sophomore at Wake Forest University in North Carolina.
Prof. E. Earle Ellis, Ph.D. (March 18, 1926- March 2, 2010) is Research Professor of Theology Emeritus at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas and the founder of the Institute for Biblical Research. He holds M.A. and B.D. from Wheaton College Graduate School and Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, U.K. He did postdoctoral studies at major universities in Europe—Tübingen, Göttingen, Marburg, and Basel—and spent every summer in England doing research for the last twenty-some years. Ellis’s scholarly contributions have been widely recognized. He received the von Humboldt scholarship three times (1968–69, 1975–76, 1990), the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship once (1975–76), and the Fulbright Scholarship once (1990). Wheaton College conferred upon him an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree (1982), and the Southwest Commission on Religious Studies honored him with the John G. Gammie Distinguished Scholar Award (2001–2). He was also honored with two Festschrifts: the first one, Tradition and Interpretation in the New Testament (1987), was edited by his longtime friend, G. F. Hawthorne for his 60th birthday, and I edited the second one, History and Exegesis (2006), for his 80th birthday. Throughout his career, Ellis produced numerous innovative and thought-provoking books and articles. His books include Paul’s Use of the Old Testament (1957), Paul and His Interpreters (1961), The World of St. John (1965), The Gospel of Luke (1966), Eschatology in Luke (1972), Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity (1978), Pauline Theology: Ministry and Society (1989), The Old Testament in Early Christianity (1991), The Making of the New Testament Documents (1999), Christ and the Future in New Testament History (2000), History and Interpretation in New Testament Perspective (2001), and Sovereignty of God in Salvation (2009). Several of these books have been reprinted as many as six times. Ellis, who never married, often referred to these books as his children.
Prof. Donald J. Verseput
Prof. W. Edward Glenny, B.A., M.A., Th.M., M.Div., Th.D., Ph.D. is Professor of New Testament Studies and Greek and Endowed Professor (January 2011 - December 2012) at Northwestern College, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. He holds B.A. from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College; M.A. from University of Minnesota; Th.M. and Master of Divinity (M.Div.) from Central Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D. from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A.; and Ph.D. from University of Minnesota. He wrote several articles, such as:
• “Dissertation Summary: Translation Technique and Theology in the Septuagint of Amos.” Tyndale Bulletin 61.1 (March 2010): forthcoming.
• “Review of Septuagint and Reception: Essays Prepared for the Association of the Study of the Septuagint in South Africa.” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 72 (2010): 852-3.
• “The Septuagint and Apostolic Hermeneutics: Amos 9 in Acts 15.” Bulletin for Biblical Research: forthcoming.
• “Ephraim Dwelt in Egypt: Egypt and Assyria in the Septuagint of Hosea.” in XIV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Helsinki, 2010. Edited by Melvin K. H. Peters. Society of Biblical Literature: forthcoming.
Prof. Herbert W. Bateman IV, B.S., Th.M., Ph.D. is a Professor of New Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, U.S.A. He is also members of:
• Fellow of the Institute for Biblical Research (IBR), 1998–present.
• Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), 1988–present.
• Evangelical Theological Society (ETS), 1988–present.
He studied at Jerusalem University College in Israel (formerly Institute of Holy Land Studies); Bachelor of Science (B.S.) from Philadelphia Biblical University; Th.M. and Ph.D. in New Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary, U.S.A. He did a Post-Doctoral work and participant in Notre Dame’s Visiting Scholar Program (2001–2002) in The University of Notre Dame.
01 September 2013
Resensi Buku-234: MENCARI WAJAH ALLAH (Rev. Gary L. Thomas, D.D.)
Katekismus Singkat Westminster pasal 1 mengajar orang Kristen bahwa tujuan hidup manusia adalah untuk memuliakan Allah dan menikmati-Nya selama-lamanya. Agar dapat memuliakan dan menikmati-Nya, kita perlu mengenal Allah. Di dalam pengenalan akan Allah, diperlukan usaha terus-menerus untuk bersekutu dengan-Nya. Bagaimana kita dapat bersekutu dengan-Nya?
Temukan jawabannya dalam:
Perjalanan Menuju Hubungan yang Lebih Akrab
oleh: Rev. Gary L. Thomas, D.D.
Penerbit: Gospel Press, Batam
Penerjemah: Dra. Connie Item Corputty
Di dalam bukunya, Rev. Dr. Gary L. Thomas menuntun kita untuk mengalami Allah di dalam setiap kehidupan Kristen kita sehari-hari dengan menimba dari kekayaan kerohanian dari para bapa gereja, bapa padang gurun, dan bapa spiritual di abad-abad lalu, seperti: Agustinus, Ignatius, St. John of the Cross, Teresa dari Avila, dll. Sebelumnya, di bab 1, Dr. Gary L. Thomas menjelaskan bahwa meskipun kita tidak selalu sepakat dengan pengajaran dari para bapa gereja, bapa padang gurun, dll, kita tetap perlu menimba kerohanian yang mendalam dari mereka. Belajar dari mereka, Dr. Thomas menjelaskan poin-poin penting kerohanian Kristen yang meliputi bagaimana melatih tubuh dan jiwa, menghindari dosa dan godaan dalam hidup, berserah dengan sukacita yang merupakan kunci mengatasi keluhan, belajar menenangkan diri di tengah kesibukan dunia, mengingat kematian yang mendorong kita giat bekerja sambil berefleksi, menjalani salib setiap hari dalam kehidupan Kristen, tidak mengandalkan perasaan-perasaan rohani yang sesaat tetapi bertumbuh dewasa di dalam pengenalan akan Allah yang personal, dan belajar mengenal iklim rohani kita. Di bagian terakhir, Dr. Thomas menantang kita untuk melibatkan para pemimpin rohani yang bertanggung jawab dan kompeten untuk membimbing rohani kita demi pertumbuhan iman kita. Biarlah melalui buku ini, kita sebagai orang Kristen dipimpin untuk makin memusatkan hidup pada Allah dan kehendak-Nya.
“Banyak orang akan berterima kasih karena kepekaan kuat dari peninjauan pengertian-pengertian klasik ini ke dalam persekutuan kita dengan Allah.”
Rev. Prof. James I. Packer, D.Phil.
(Board of Governors Professor of Theology di Regent College, Canada; Bachelor of Arts—B.A.; Master of Arts—M.A.; dan Doctor of Philosophy—D.Phil. dari Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, U.K.)
“Buku dengan pendalaman luar biasa. Salah satu karya paling kuat tentang kehidupan rohani yang pernah diterbitkan dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir ini.”
Terry W. Glaspey
(Penulis Pathway to the Heart of God)
“Halaman demi halaman, langkah demi langkah, gagasan demi gagasan, pertanyaan-pertanyaan Thomas mengupas sampai ke inti paling dalam … baik sekali!”
Virtue Magazine
Profil Rev. Dr. Gary L. Thomas:
Rev. Gary L. Thomas, M.C.S., D.D. (HC) adalah Writer in Residence di Second Baptist Church, pendiri sekaligus direktur dari The Center for Evangelical Spirituality, dan adjunct faculty di Western Seminary, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. Beliau menyelesaikan studi Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) dalam bidang English literature di Western Washington University; Master of Christian Studies (M.C.S.) dengan konsentrasi dalam bidang Theologi Sistematika di Regent College, Vancouver, B.C., di mana beliau belajar di bawah Dr. J. I. Packer, dan pada tahun 2006, beliau dianugerahi gelar Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) dari Western Seminary di Portland, Oregon. Beliau telah menikah dan dikaruniai 3 orang anak. Mereka tinggal di Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
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